January 27th, 2021

How to create a simple pre-IPO website

Consider a pre-IPO website that's simple yet scalable to support you through the entire process.

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December 1st, 2020

News Briefs: Adding descriptions with your ASX Announcements

When you think about it, your ASX announcements do not only fulfill mandatory requirements. They also draw attention to your business as your updates are posted to the market.

Your ASX releases bring your company profile to investors as you broadcast your successful ventures, leadership appointments, financial reports and other news. These announcements provide information that will encourage stakeholders to join your share registry.

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November 23rd, 2020

How website health checks improve your site

When was your last health check? That is, for your website?

Yes, you read it right. Your website needs health checks. Much like how people need check-ups from their doctor. Just to ensure everything’s in tip-top shape.

After your website goes live, don’t expect it to work perfectly for always. In truth, websites break down when unattended. Often they become outdated, take longer to load and incur other technical problems.

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November 18th, 2020

3 key benefits of a great annual report design

Your annual report is an extension of your brand. More than a legal requirement, it’s a unique communication tool that connects with investors and stakeholders.

Beyond mere facts and figures, your annual report is an excellent opportunity to create a lasting impression through your company’s story. Enabling your business to stand out from the crowd.

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October 23rd, 2020

10 golden rules for investor websites - and so what?

Investors make progress on their journey from strangers to shareholders/advocates based on news they find on online touchpoints of their choosing. Regardless of where they find you online, you’ll be trying to get them to your investor website.

Because your investor website is the king of touchpoints that you control. It’s 100% under your control. It's the place where you have the best chance of influencing investors to like and trust you. So you need to give it your very best shot!

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October 13th, 2020

More ASX website problems

The new ASX website launched on 12 October presents issues for many companies who use it to show announcements from their own websites or publish links in their emails.

These companies need to fix potentially hundreds of incorrect links, and possibly get permission from ASX.

These issues apply to you if...

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October 13th, 2020

What did you do, ASX?

On Monday, October 12, ASX launched their new website, www2.asx.com.au.

Unfortunately for the first day it did not display ASX Announcements. There was a message on the home page which said...

"ASX announcements are currently not displaying on the ASX website. All company announcements are available to view via brokers and news agencies."

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October 7th, 2020

Virtual AGMs in 2020

This year has been filled with uncertainty for many organisations, especially when it comes to AGMs. Companies with a reporting deadline of December 31 bore the brunt of the COVID-induced uncertainty earlier this year, during the off-peak AGM season in April and May. But, many companies adapted, successfully taking the virtual “leap” into unknown territory.

Out of the 4500 meetings Computershare has already conducted across the globe this year, over 1300 have been fully virtual. At the same time in 2019, the number of virtual meetings was only in the low hundreds.

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October 6th, 2020

3 ideas for a more interactive website

A better user experience. That’s what an interactive website offers your audience, such as investors and clients.

When your site is interactive, it engages users as they go through information displayed on your web pages. It’s just more enjoyable to use. So, it receives more traffic and gains all the benefits that come with it.

How is this best achieved?

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September 15th, 2020

5 must-have features for your online interactive report

Your annual report is not only an ASX requirement but is actually an online touchpoint touchpoint for your investor communications.

Really? It's a printed document, isn't it? A simple PDF printed document.

You need to think about how it's mainly consumed. Yes, online! The Internet is our preferred medium of communication these days and more and more investors are viewing this document from their mobile devices.

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September 15th, 2020

3 strategic features for your share prices and charts

Can you guess one of the most frequently visited pages on your investor website?

It’s the share prices and charts page.

Website visit statistics from hundreds of companies show that this page is among the top 5 frequently visited pages.

Yes, investors want to see your company’s share price. They enjoy a chart showing your recent performance too.

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September 14th, 2020

All set for your AGM?

Ensuring continued investor engagement in the midst of challenges in our current environment. That's quite an undertaking for ASX-listed companies this year.

Even annual general meetings (AGMs) are taking on new forms. Thankfully, regulators have adapted more options for businesses to fulfill requirements in the present setup.

So, how you going with your once-a-year meeting?

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September 2nd, 2020

How to add videos on your website the easy way

You’ve just produced a video interview of your CEO presenting your company’s latest updates. It’s one you’re incredibly proud of!

So, you managed to upload it directly on your website. Of course! It’s the fastest way to convey your business highlights to investors, right?

Or so you thought.

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August 17th, 2020

10 key factors for successful online investor relations

Ever wonder what investors want online? Particularly in this time when your message needs to be even more clear on the Web?

Investors are not just looking for your company’s financial information.

They want details on your business and your investment proposition. They want to know the latest happenings through your company news.

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July 21st, 2020

How online interactive reports can help your business

Snapshots at a point in time.

Your reports are dated documents prepared to communicate your status.

Whether it's your prospectus, annual report or sustainability report, these summaries deliver messages that stand through time. Locked into the format of the report.

Like any Australian listed company, you publish your reports, presentations and newsletters as ASX Announcements, an entirely online media. Exactly why a strong online presence is needed to fulfil this information need.

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July 14th, 2020

Online touchpoints move investors in their journey - and so what?

Investors are going through a journey with you. They are in different stages in the process of finding you, liking you, buying, and selling your shares.

How do you engage with them to help them make progress in their investor journey? Through your news.

Your news is probably the trigger investors need to move from one stage of the journey to the next.

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July 7th, 2020

3 quick tips to leverage your website for AGMs

What’s usually the only time during the year when your shareholders and executives interact?

You guessed it! Your annual general meetings (AGMs).

Now getting to be more virtual, these mandatory meetings are a means of building stronger and more engaged relationships with your shareholders. Your AGMs also offer investors valuable information that’s extremely useful for their investment decision-making process.

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July 6th, 2020

Stages of the Investor Journey - and so what?

As people progress through stages of not knowing about you, knowing about you, deciding to buy, buying shares and then selling their shares... that's what is called a journey - the Investor Journey.

People take this journey through the process of finding you, liking you, buying, and selling your shares. Current, potential and past investors are simply people at different stages of their investor journey. Each person's journey is different and personal. 

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June 19th, 2020

Reading the minds of Investors - and so what?

In an earlier blog post, we identified investors as people -- they behave emotionally as well as rationally. We looked at ways to help them LIKE your company and SELL the first click. 

Now, let's think more about the details of who your investors are. Who are these people you need to connect with, and what is in their mind?

In the consumer world, marketers understand the concept of a "customer journey," the stages consumers go through to buy a product. If we think about the stages of buying shoes, here's how it could look like:

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June 3rd, 2020

Launch of the SSX Academy Training Program

The SSX is a Tier One licensed stock exchange in Australia that provides a fresh, flexible alternative for companies seeking opportunities for growth only listings can bring.

The SSX is passionate about furthering financial market education and continues to be an advocate for lifelong learning for every member of staff. As a group, our teams continuously develop their thinking through formal education and professional memberships.

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