As your company prepares for growth, you would want a website you can manage on your own. So, you can communicate with investors and keep them up to date, as you focus on business development.
You would need a site that lets you easily upload news or provide downloadable documents for stakeholders. A platform where you can effortlessly publish announcements, add links to your text and insert images or videos. One you can conveniently work with, without requiring web development skills.
You don’t want to be bogged down with technical aspects of your website, right? Would be a drag performing tasks that require web programming, like editing code or fixing web servers. You would aim for a site with a built-in system that runs its technical areas without needing specialised know-how from you.
Check out Imunexus Therapeutics’ website for a brilliant example of an easy-to-manage website: www.imunexus.com. The site is powered by a user-friendly platform that doesn’t scrimp on design and functionality.
Imunexus’ website runs smoothly on any screen size or device.
Imunexus is a biologics company with a unique approach to drug development that is centred around proprietary technology to facilitate rapid, cost-effective, lower-risk generation of therapeutics.
Discover how Imunexus’ homepage immediately put its brand across in a clutter-free layout that delivers the company’s focus and how its technology works. This attractive web page introduces its leadership team and offers its latest news in an engaging blog format.
Head over to the website’s About Us segment for further information about the company, its board and executive panel. Navigating to its Technology section will give a detailed discussion about its technology approach and current pipeline.
Not only that, Imunexus’ investment proposition is quickly accessible on the site’s Investors section, along with presentations and email alerts subscription. More investor features can be added to the website in a cinch as the company grows as well.
Imunexus’ website was developed using IRM’s HQi content management system. What a delight for IRM to team up with Imunexus as it firmed up its online investor presence.
Considering a new corporate or investor website? Check out why we’re the preferred provider for Australian company websites here.
Get in touch with us to kick start your online presence: +61 2 8705 5444 or clientrelations@irmau.com.