Grab the IRM COVID-19 Offer and emerge from the crisis in great shape to attract investors!
When this is all over – and it will be, investors will be critical in their choices of investments. They will choose to invest in companies that they trust, those who look like they improved even during these uncertain times and the ones who made efforts to keep them informed.
How to step up your game?
Enhance your corporate look. Optimise your corporate or investor website. Boost your investor communication.
With the IRM COVID-19 Offer, you can do all that at a lesser cost.
The IRM COVID-19 Offer gives you a discount of up to 30% on projects over $5k for any one or more of such subject areas. Check details of our offer HERE.
Simply put, your company can rise above the situation through the steps below:
Here are a couple of moves to help establish your company's image and reputation during this crisis. It will help position your business in the market and differentiate itself from competitors.

Enhance your corporate look and optimise your website.
How about a special purpose website for your fund raising efforts? The following strategies will enable you to clearly present information to investors, without the clutter of your corporate website.
With all the COVID-19 noise, where do you think investors will go for information about your company? Consider these actions to make your corporate or investor website relevant at this time.
Don't wait for investors to seek out facts about your business, send it out to them! Ensure your news and announcements continue to reach them so they are on the same page with you.
Boost your investor communication.
It’s a steal of a deal!
Check out this offer's discount options:
- Option 1: 30% Discount for full payment upfront
- Option 2: 20% Discount on all projects with standard payment terms
- Option 3: 10% Discount - pay nothing till 1 December 2020
Plus: 3 Months Free for any new Ongoing Plan fees as a result of the project
The offer is limited to the first 10 new projects agreed between 1st - 30th of April 2020. So, reserve your spot today!
All up to you
No doubt you want great value for money, but you may or may not wish to allocate cash now. Choose your discount based on your cash preservation strategy.
Would you like to discuss these ideas with IRM? Call +61 2 8705 5444 to chat with one of our online investor relations experts.
You can also email clientrelations@irmau.com to discuss your specific needs and to guarantee your place.