Investor events are important components of your company’s investor relations. Roadshows, investor conferences, annual meetings and investor days are some of the brilliant means to connect with investors.
Obviously, investor events are powerful opportunities to present your company’s narrative as you affirm your value proposition and growth strategy. They highlight your management’s credibility and accentuate the depth of your leadership team as you communicate with investors.
Whether in-person or virtual, investor events enhance your company’s visibility and influence perceptions on your organisation. These face-to-face interactions are important as they provide continued access to management, particularly in communicating critical issues in the face of a wide range of unknowns.
However, organising investor events can be challenging even with proficient skills and lead time. Handling promotions, registration and communication with event attendees can be a handful when you’re juggling other tasks on the program proper. Having the right tools would bump up the process for a successful turn out.
IRM Events will empower you to manage your investor events.
What if there’s a way to help manage your investor events through your website? Wouldn’t it be cool to have such capability in your site’s content management system to give easy access? Yes, especially for not so tech-savvy IR teams?
Check out the IRM Events feature in HQi to assist in your event management. IRM Events is an innovative resource that helps you organise and push investor events through your website. All without having coding skills. No need for different apps too.
IRM Events is a user-friendly platform to promote investor events, send invites and manage registrations on your website. It’s a smart software that can automate key tasks so it’s easier for you to manage your public meetings. Pretty handy for both onsite and online events.
Here’s a quick peak into IRM Events’ expertise for your events management:
1. Create an event page on your website
IRM Events enables you to craft an event page on your website with engaging images in a clutter-free layout. Hype up the date and time of your event and why investors shouldn’t miss it. Include your event registration, program as well as profiles of your keynote speakers or have a link to expand on those details.
If you’re hosting an in-person event, you can show your venue’s location map and information on parking or public transport. For virtual events, you can add the link to your webcast where attendees can join in real-time or watch on-demand.
You can also insert your company’s contact information here so attendees can reach you for queries regarding the event. Or have a link to FAQs from this page. It’s all up to you to provide the information needed to drum up excitement for your event.
Click the image below to visit the event page of the recently concluded Resources Rising Stars investor conference to picture how this looks like.
Click the image to view Resources Rising Stars' recent event page.
2. Send invites and get your event on investors’ calendars
IRM Events enables you to send event invitations via email in a customised design that carries your company’s branding. It will be a seamless look, picking up from your event page and flowing through your email invites. You can even send follow-up emails and reminders to nudge them for sign-ups.
Moreover, investors can add your event to their personal calendars, whether in Google, Outlook or Apple device. It’s a nifty move to incorporate your event in their schedules so they don’t overlook it. The more attendees, the more participation for your event.
3. Run event registration on your website
IRM Events equips you to make your event registration available right on your website. Investors can simply sign up through a form that can be linked to your events page. No worries about getting spammers as this form has a reCAPTCHA service to protect from spam registration.
Your registrants will also be added to your subscriber list so it’s effortless to send messages related to your event. Any changes in schedules or venue will be promptly disseminated. Nobody will be left behind and everyone who signed up will be able to access your in-person gathering or live stream meeting.
IRM Events will assist in organising and promoting your investor events.
4. Build your subscriber list through your website
IRM Events will increase your subscriber database and retain them even after your event is completed. With your subscriber list, you can maintain communications before, during and after your event. This will help broaden your reach in the investor community.
As mentioned, invites, follow-ups and reminders would be covered before the event. But no need to end the messaging there. During the event, you can share investor presentations to your audience so they could go over them as your speakers discuss onstage.
After the event, you can still deliver pertinent ASX Announcements to attendees to bring them up to speed and facilitate investment decisions. It’s a whole package of keeping investors informed.
5. Catch event statistics using your website
IRM Events will provide event statistics so you can check the numbers and analyse the data behind the figures. See who were invited, registered, attended or cancelled. You’ll have a big picture of how productive your event was and how you can tweak things for the next event you’ll be having.
You'll be able to report on your event's total attendance and how many existing investors joined. You'll spot the prospects generated from the event or which sessions attendees found most engaging. Just some of the data that could be valuable in holding future events.
IRM Events is an event management software for onsite and online investor events.
IRM Events in a nutshell
Work smarter, not harder on your events management. With IRM Events, you’ll be able to create an event page on your website and send invites to investors. No need for separate apps or software to run event registration, build your subscriber list and catch event statistics – all through your website.
Set up IRM Events for your business
For IRM clients, call us to activate the IRM Events feature in HQi. We’ll get your event page, forms and email templates ready with your company’s branding to get you started.
Not yet onboard? Ring us up on +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com for a demo. View ASX-listed companies we’ve served here. You’d be in good company.