Your website is the backbone of your company's online presence. It serves as an information hub where you can direct investors who want to know more about your business.
Much like consumers, investors go online to seek information about your company before they buy into it. That's why your website needs to clearly present details for investors to learn what your business is all about. As investors know more about your organisation, they will be able to make smarter investment decisions.
That's how your website plays an important role in communicating with investors. With an investor-friendly website, you will be able to reach more investors online. The more investors you connect with, the more potential investment in your business.
Manuka Resources’ website is one example you can take inspiration from. Click HERE or the image below to visit its live site.

Manuka's homepage presents a clean corporate design reflected on the entire website.
Manuka Resources is a gold and silver exploration and production company focused on becoming Australia's newest precious metal producer.
First up. How can you miss Manuka website’s clean corporate design on its web pages? This refined aesthetic puts a fresh new face for investors in the mining scene.
The website’s look and feel doesn’t only differentiate Manuka from its peers. Its website content clearly offers the company’s competitive advantage as well through its “Why Invest” section and related News articles.
Manuka highlights its growth opportunities in its Mt Boppy gold project and Wonawinta silver and base metals project through the website. To support its anticipated progress, the site showcases Manuka’s capable board and management team with a track record of executing the company’s business.
As the website attracts and informs investors, Manuka makes sure stakeholders can reach their team with its Contact Us page. As well as that, the website encourages email registrations to stay connected with prospective investors.
Best of all, investors can browse Manuka’s website freely on their smartphone or tablets, without having interruptions in functionality. A great perk of its website’s mobile-friendly features.

Manuka's website works well with any mobile device.
Manuka’s website was developed through the HQi content management system of IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM were delighted to work with Manuka on building up their online investor presence.
If you're planning a new website or redesigning your current one, here's some professional help! Fill out this form to get a free quote.
Better yet, call us today on +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com to get things underway.