
Content needs to be great quality, complete, and current. Well written, well presented and easy to understand. Don’t be too technical or tricky with language. Leave the technical things to a downloadable white paper.

Ensure ASX Announcements are available immediately. Ten minutes later worsens progression rates. Show headline news on the home page.

Appeal strongly to the utilitarian, logical mind. Be the authority on all of the company information, good, bad or indifferent. This invites respect.

Provide all of the historical ASX announcements, easily found by type on multiple pages, nicely archived, searchable. Include share price data. Analysts want a download centre. Address specific needs of other target audiences.

Fully explain the business. Don’t expect investors to trawl through reports listed in historical sections (e.g. Annual Reports or Presentations) to get the main messages.

Here are IRM’s top three hints for better quality:

Subject  Suggestion
Be up to date
  • Make sure that the site is always up to date.
  • Reflect the results of ASX Announcements on the site immediately
  • Any one piece of out of date information creates doubt about everything else on the site.
Be authoritative
  • You are the authority on your business and your industry.
  • Visitors want to learn from your knowledge.
  • Make sure you present it in a firm and authoritative way which respects the likely knowledge level of the reader.
Be comprehensive
  • Make sure that all the information you can give about the company is available on the site
  • Don’t leave investors wondering and needing to go back to a google search to find out something more.

A full review from IRM will identify and discuss more than 10 additional ways to improve quality.